Bakewell Bird Study Group visit to Willington Wetlands – Thursday 12 September 2024,  09.30 to 12.30


Willington Wetlands is managed by Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and situated in the Trent Valley.  It hit the headlines 4 years ago when beavers were released.  There was a chilly northerly wind when we started but by noon it had warmed up sufficiently for us to eat our lunches at the top of the tower. Afterwards a giant owl pellet on the floor was broken open to reveal the tiny jaw bones of sundry rodents. A small group of us made the trip but we all enjoyed it despite a lack of passerines. No beavers were spotted.

Members participating:    5

Bird list (32 species seen and/or heard)

Great Crested Grebe Buzzard Sand Martin Wren
Cormorant Kestrel Cetti’s Warbler Magpie
Little Egret Moorhen Chiffchaff  
Great White Egret Coot Greylag Goose  
Grey Heron Lapwing Marsh Harrier  
Mute Swan Snipe Carrion Crow  
Canada Goose Blackbird Starling  
Teal Woodpigeon Black Headed Gull  
Mallard House Martin Lesser Black B Gull  
Tufted Duck Swallow Robin  

 Photos by Martyn Grandy.



Grey Heron and Coots

Grey Heron and Coots

Marsh Harrier (juvenile)

Marsh Harrier (juvenile)

Great White Egret

Great White Egret